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at the peak of解释

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-01-01 03:04:17

at the peak of解释

1、at the peak of的意思是:在……高峰期。2、at the peak of的例句是She's at the peak of her career.她正处在事业的巅峰。One potential explanation offered by the researchers is that advantages that are measurable in the very young and very old tend to fade when testing young adults at the peak of their cognitive powers.研究人员提供的一个可能的解释是,在非常年轻和非常年长的人身上可以测量到的优势,在测试处于认知能力高峰期的年轻成年人时往往会消失。At the peak of the bubble, they were overvalued.而在泡沫最大的时候,房价被高估了。
导读1、at the peak of的意思是:在……高峰期。2、at the peak of的例句是She's at the peak of her career.她正处在事业的巅峰。One potential explanation offered by the researchers is that advantages that are measurable in the very young and very old tend to fade when testing young adults at the peak of their cognitive powers.研究人员提供的一个可能的解释是,在非常年轻和非常年长的人身上可以测量到的优势,在测试处于认知能力高峰期的年轻成年人时往往会消失。At the peak of the bubble, they were overvalued.而在泡沫最大的时候,房价被高估了。

at the peak of的意思是:在……高峰期。

at the peak of的意思是:在……高峰期。at the peak of的例句是She's at the peak of her career.她正处在事业的巅峰。One potential explanation offered by the researchers is that advantages that are measurable in the very young and very old tend to fade when testing young adults at the peak of their cognitive powers.研究人员提供的一个可能的解释是,在非常年轻和非常年长的人身上可以测量到的优势,在测试处于认知能力高峰期的年轻成年人时往往会消失。At the peak of the bubble, they were overvalued.而在泡沫最大的时候,房价被高估了。

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... at any time/moment 在任何时候,随时 at the peak of 在...高峰期; (在事业)登峰造极之时 by the time 到...的时候 ...


... at any time/moment 任何时候,随时 at the peak of ...高峰期; (事业)登峰造极之时 by the time 到...的时候 ...


at the peak of 在…高峰期; (在事业)登峰造极之时 by the time 到…


2007托福词汇辅导:最新同义词组整理(中)b ... at the height of sth.在...的最鼎盛时 at the peak of在...高峰期; (在事业)登峰造极之时 by the time到...的时候 ...


She's at the peak of her career.


One potential explanation offered by the researchers is that advantages that are measurable in the very young and very old tend to fade when testing young adults at the peak of their cognitive powers.


At the peak of the bubble, they were 40% overvalued.


at the peak of的相关临近词


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at the peak of解释

1、at the peak of的意思是:在……高峰期。2、at the peak of的例句是She's at the peak of her career.她正处在事业的巅峰。One potential explanation offered by the researchers is that advantages that are measurable in the very young and very old tend to fade when testing young adults at the peak of their cognitive powers.研究人员提供的一个可能的解释是,在非常年轻和非常年长的人身上可以测量到的优势,在测试处于认知能力高峰期的年轻成年人时往往会消失。At the peak of the bubble, they were overvalued.而在泡沫最大的时候,房价被高估了。
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