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go with sb的解释

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-01-01 02:57:56

go with sb的解释

1、go with sb的意思是:陪……一起去;伴随……。2、go with sb的网络解释是。3、go with sb的例句是Back then I thought that I'd never get to go out with sb.那时候我以为我将永远不会和某人约会。He comes home drunken, the son is afraid that father cannot walk, before be being greeted, go supporting sb with hand.他醉醺醺地回家,儿子怕父亲不能走路,就迎上前去搀扶。
导读1、go with sb的意思是:陪……一起去;伴随……。2、go with sb的网络解释是。3、go with sb的例句是Back then I thought that I'd never get to go out with sb.那时候我以为我将永远不会和某人约会。He comes home drunken, the son is afraid that father cannot walk, before be being greeted, go supporting sb with hand.他醉醺醺地回家,儿子怕父亲不能走路,就迎上前去搀扶。

go with sb的意思是:陪……一起去;伴随……。

go with sb的意思是:陪……一起去;伴随……。go with sb的网络解释是。go with sb的例句是Back then I thought that I'd never get to go out with sb.那时候我以为我将永远不会和某人约会。He comes home drunken, the son is afraid that father cannot walk, before be being greeted, go supporting sb with hand.他醉醺醺地回家,儿子怕父亲不能走路,就迎上前去搀扶。

一、网络解释点此查看go with sb的详细内容


1. 陪伴某人去,与某人相配:go up sth 攀登 |gowithsb陪伴某人去,与某人相配 |gowith sth 陪伴某物去,与某物相配

2. 和某人一起去:go to work 去上班 |go ...withsb. 和某人一起去...... | get on the bus 上公共汽车

3. go with sb

3. 同某人一起去:gowithsb%[]%陪伴某人去,与某人相配% |gowithsb.%[]%同某人一起去% |gowith sth%[]%陪伴某物去,与某物相配%

4. go with sb

4. 同意某人:18. you both make agood case. 你俩说的都有道理. | 19.gowithsb 同意某人 | 20. it turns out that...原来


Back then I thought that I'd never get to go out with sb.


He comes home drunken, the son is afraid that father cannot walk, before be being greeted, go supporting sb with hand.


go with sb的相关临近词


点此查看更多关于go with sb的详细信息

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go with sb的解释

1、go with sb的意思是:陪……一起去;伴随……。2、go with sb的网络解释是。3、go with sb的例句是Back then I thought that I'd never get to go out with sb.那时候我以为我将永远不会和某人约会。He comes home drunken, the son is afraid that father cannot walk, before be being greeted, go supporting sb with hand.他醉醺醺地回家,儿子怕父亲不能走路,就迎上前去搀扶。
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