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hold sb to的翻译 hold sb to的翻译是什么

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-01-01 02:58:18

hold sb to的翻译 hold sb to的翻译是什么

1、hold sb to的意思是:使某人信守诺言等。2、hold sb to的例句是Cannot hold a candle to sb.不能与某人作比较,比不上某人…Neighbour hears voice, come help sb to get over his worries, right now this female " hero " skill back up, single-handed hold bastinado, shout an order " captive " fast from climb below the bed.邻居闻声,赶来劝解,此时这位女“豪杰”一手撑腰,一手执杖,喝令“俘虏”快从床底下爬出来。
导读1、hold sb to的意思是:使某人信守诺言等。2、hold sb to的例句是Cannot hold a candle to sb.不能与某人作比较,比不上某人…Neighbour hears voice, come help sb to get over his worries, right now this female " hero " skill back up, single-handed hold bastinado, shout an order " captive " fast from climb below the bed.邻居闻声,赶来劝解,此时这位女“豪杰”一手撑腰,一手执杖,喝令“俘虏”快从床底下爬出来。

hold sb to的意思是:使某人信守诺言等。

hold sb to的意思是:使某人信守诺言等。hold sb to的例句是Cannot hold a candle to sb.不能与某人作比较,比不上某人…Neighbour hears voice, come help sb to get over his worries, right now this female " hero " skill back up, single-handed hold bastinado, shout an order " captive " fast from climb below the bed.邻居闻声,赶来劝解,此时这位女“豪杰”一手撑腰,一手执杖,喝令“俘虏”快从床底下爬出来。

一、网络释义点此查看hold sb to的详细内容


(我背单词时背到的解释是 使某人信守诺言等 ) 追答: hold sb to有使某人信守诺言的意思,不过有的还要看后面接什么,如hold sb to account 使承担责任 想自由7G胂 2014-10-3..


Cannot hold a candle to sb.


Neighbour hears voice, come help sb to get over his worries, right now this female " hero " skill back up, single-handed hold bastinado, shout an order " captive " fast from climb below the bed.


hold sb to的相关临近词

holdhold to

点此查看更多关于hold sb to的详细信息

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hold sb to的翻译 hold sb to的翻译是什么

1、hold sb to的意思是:使某人信守诺言等。2、hold sb to的例句是Cannot hold a candle to sb.不能与某人作比较,比不上某人…Neighbour hears voice, come help sb to get over his worries, right now this female " hero " skill back up, single-handed hold bastinado, shout an order " captive " fast from climb below the bed.邻居闻声,赶来劝解,此时这位女“豪杰”一手撑腰,一手执杖,喝令“俘虏”快从床底下爬出来。
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