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have authority over的意思 have authority over的意思是什么

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-01-01 02:08:59

have authority over的意思 have authority over的意思是什么

1、have authority over的意思是:有权,管理。2、have authority over的网络解释是 对----有权利:have a prejudice against sb. 对某人有偏见 |haveauthorityover 对----有权利 |have a terror of sth. 惧怕某事。3、have authority over的例句是She now have authority over the people she used to take order from.她现在有权力支配那些一贯向她发号施令的人。
导读1、have authority over的意思是:有权,管理。2、have authority over的网络解释是 对----有权利:have a prejudice against sb. 对某人有偏见 |haveauthorityover 对----有权利 |have a terror of sth. 惧怕某事。3、have authority over的例句是She now have authority over the people she used to take order from.她现在有权力支配那些一贯向她发号施令的人。

have authority over的意思是:有权,管理。

have authority over的意思是:有权,管理。have authority over的网络解释是 对----有权利:have a prejudice against sb. 对某人有偏见 |haveauthorityover 对----有权利 |have a terror of sth. 惧怕某事。have authority over的例句是She now have authority over the people she used to take order from.她现在有权力支配那些一贯向她发号施令的人。

一、网络解释点此查看have authority over的详细内容

1. 对----有权利:have a prejudice against sb. 对某人有偏见 |haveauthorityover 对----有权利 |have a terror of sth. 惧怕某事

2. have authority over的意思

2. 有权, 管理:authorityover对 ... 有权利 |haveauthorityover有权, 管理 | powerover对 ... 的权利

3. have authority over什么意思

3. 对...行使权力:have an audience of 500 有500个观众 |haveauthorityover 对...行使权力 | historical background 历史背景


She now have authority over the people she used to take order from.


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havehave a talk

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have authority over的意思 have authority over的意思是什么

1、have authority over的意思是:有权,管理。2、have authority over的网络解释是 对----有权利:have a prejudice against sb. 对某人有偏见 |haveauthorityover 对----有权利 |have a terror of sth. 惧怕某事。3、have authority over的例句是She now have authority over the people she used to take order from.她现在有权力支配那些一贯向她发号施令的人。
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