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go around的意思是什么

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-01-01 02:04:16

go around的意思是什么

1、go around的意思是:四处走动;供应;(消息)流传。2、go around的英英释义是Verb:be sufficient;"There's not enough to go around"become widely known and passed on;"the rumor spread""the story went around in the office"go around the flank of (an opposing army)turn on or around an axis or a center;"The Earth revolves around the Sun""The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire"avoid something unpleasant or laborious;"You cannot bypass these rules!"。3、go around的例句是All sorts of rumors are going around.各种谣言正四处流传。
导读1、go around的意思是:四处走动;供应;(消息)流传。2、go around的英英释义是Verb:be sufficient;"There's not enough to go around"become widely known and passed on;"the rumor spread""the story went around in the office"go around the flank of (an opposing army)turn on or around an axis or a center;"The Earth revolves around the Sun""The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire"avoid something unpleasant or laborious;"You cannot bypass these rules!"。3、go around的例句是All sorts of rumors are going around.各种谣言正四处流传。

go around的意思是:四处走动;供应;(消息)流传。

go around的意思是:四处走动;供应;(消息)流传。go around的英英释义是Verb:be sufficient;"There's not enough to go around"become widely known and passed on;"the rumor spread""the story went around in the office"go around the flank of (an opposing army)turn on or around an axis or a center;"The Earth revolves around the Sun""The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire"avoid something unpleasant or laborious;"You cannot bypass these rules!"。go around的例句是All sorts of rumors are going around.各种谣言正四处流传。

一、英英释义点此查看go around的详细内容

  1. be sufficient;

    "There's not enough to go around"

  2. become widely known and passed on;

    "the rumor spread"
    "the story went around in the office"

  3. go around the flank of (an opposing army)
  4. turn on or around an axis or a center;

    "The Earth revolves around the Sun"
    "The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire"

  5. avoid something unpleasant or laborious;

    "You cannot bypass these rules!"


1. go around的解释

1. 复飞:这个叫复飞(Goaround) 当飞行员认为降落有任何因素影响安全都可以执行复飞. 这是一个很正常的动作. 复飞的理由太多了,下滑道建立不稳,拉飘了,风切变,姿态没有建立好等等原因. 复飞是最安全的选择. 在复飞和强行着陆之间复飞是安全的选择.

2. (消息)流传;足够分配:go along with 赞同;附合,支持 |goaround (消息)流传;足够分配 |go back on 丢弃(朋友等食言


All sorts of rumors are going around.


A nasty rumour about her is floating around town.



go around的相关近义词

circulaterevolvedetourturnget aroundoutflankshort-circuitspreadrotatebypass

go around的相关临近词


点此查看更多关于go around的详细信息

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go around的意思是什么

1、go around的意思是:四处走动;供应;(消息)流传。2、go around的英英释义是Verb:be sufficient;"There's not enough to go around"become widely known and passed on;"the rumor spread""the story went around in the office"go around the flank of (an opposing army)turn on or around an axis or a center;"The Earth revolves around the Sun""The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire"avoid something unpleasant or laborious;"You cannot bypass these rules!"。3、go around的例句是All sorts of rumors are going around.各种谣言正四处流传。
  • 热门焦点



