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来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-01-01 02:43:08


1、thermotherapy的例句是:The local thermotherapy is one of adjuvanticity means to cure tumor.局部热疗是治疗肿瘤的一种辅助性手段。Compared with it, the thermotherapy is a safer and more reliable way.局部热疗是治疗肿瘤的一种辅助性手段。Conclusion the microwave - thermotherapy shows a synergism for radia - therapy of tonsil carcinoma.结论:微波热疗联合放疗对扁桃体癌的治疗具有协同增敏作用。2、thermotherapy的英英释义是Noun:the use of heat to treat a disease or disorder; heating pads or hot compresses or hot-water bottles are used to promote circulation in peripheral vascular disease or to relax tense muscles。3、thermotherapy的读音是英['θɜːməʊ'θeərəpɪ];美[ˌθɜːmoʊ'θerəpɪ]。
导读1、thermotherapy的例句是:The local thermotherapy is one of adjuvanticity means to cure tumor.局部热疗是治疗肿瘤的一种辅助性手段。Compared with it, the thermotherapy is a safer and more reliable way.局部热疗是治疗肿瘤的一种辅助性手段。Conclusion the microwave - thermotherapy shows a synergism for radia - therapy of tonsil carcinoma.结论:微波热疗联合放疗对扁桃体癌的治疗具有协同增敏作用。2、thermotherapy的英英释义是Noun:the use of heat to treat a disease or disorder; heating pads or hot compresses or hot-water bottles are used to promote circulation in peripheral vascular disease or to relax tense muscles。3、thermotherapy的读音是英['θɜːməʊ'θeərəpɪ];美[ˌθɜːmoʊ'θerəpɪ]。

thermotherapy的例句是:The local thermotherapy is one of adjuvanticity means to cure tumor.局部热疗是治疗肿瘤的一种辅助性手段。Compared with it, the thermotherapy is a safer and more reliable way.局部热疗是治疗肿瘤的一种辅助性手段。Conclusion the microwave - thermotherapy shows a synergism for radia - therapy of tonsil carcinoma.结论:微波热疗联合放疗对扁桃体癌的治疗具有协同增敏作用。

thermotherapy的例句是:The local thermotherapy is one of adjuvanticity means to cure tumor.局部热疗是治疗肿瘤的一种辅助性手段。Compared with it, the thermotherapy is a safer and more reliable way.局部热疗是治疗肿瘤的一种辅助性手段。Conclusion the microwave - thermotherapy shows a synergism for radia - therapy of tonsil carcinoma.结论:微波热疗联合放疗对扁桃体癌的治疗具有协同增敏作用。thermotherapy的英英释义是Noun:the use of heat to treat a disease or disorder; heating pads or hot compresses or hot-water bottles are used to promote circulation in peripheral vascular disease or to relax tense muscles。thermotherapy的读音是英['θɜːməʊ'θeərəpɪ];美[ˌθɜːmoʊ'θerəpɪ]。


  1. the use of heat to treat a disease or disorder; heating pads or hot compresses or hot-water bottles are used to promote circulation in peripheral vascular disease or to relax tense muscles


1. 热疗法:温热疗法(thermotherapy)是利用物理疗法,如超声波、热水浴等,使组织加热,达到杀死癌细胞的温度,以治疗恶性肿瘤. 本文就热疗与肺癌的综合治疗作一综述. (共3页)

2. thermotherapy的意思

2. 温热疗法:thermotaxis (温度走性,走熱性) |thermotherapy (温熱療法) | thermotonometer (熱攣縮計)

3. thermotherapy的解释

3. 高温:therapy || 治疗 |Thermotherapy || 高温 | thin || 瘦

4. 热疗法 温热疗法:thermotel 负载指示器 |thermotherapy 热疗法 温热疗法 | thermotics 热学


The local thermotherapy is one of adjuvanticity means to cure tumor.


Compared with it, the thermotherapy is a safer and more reliable way.


Conclusion the microwave - thermotherapy shows a synergism for radia - therapy of tonsil carcinoma.



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1、thermotherapy的例句是:The local thermotherapy is one of adjuvanticity means to cure tumor.局部热疗是治疗肿瘤的一种辅助性手段。Compared with it, the thermotherapy is a safer and more reliable way.局部热疗是治疗肿瘤的一种辅助性手段。Conclusion the microwave - thermotherapy shows a synergism for radia - therapy of tonsil carcinoma.结论:微波热疗联合放疗对扁桃体癌的治疗具有协同增敏作用。2、thermotherapy的英英释义是Noun:the use of heat to treat a disease or disorder; heating pads or hot compresses or hot-water bottles are used to promote circulation in peripheral vascular disease or to relax tense muscles。3、thermotherapy的读音是英['θɜːməʊ'θeərəpɪ];美[ˌθɜːmoʊ'θerəpɪ]。
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