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on a small scale的意思是什么

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-01-01 02:23:10

on a small scale的意思是什么

1、on a small scale的意思是:小规模地(的)。2、on a small scale的网络解释是 小规模地:ona level with 和...同一水准 |onasmallscale 小规模地 |onaccount of 因为,由于。3、on a small scale的例句是Does that mean that solar energy can only be used on a small scale, like heating a home?这是不是意味着太阳能只能在小范围内使用,比如为家庭供暖?As Haggin put it, Mendelssohn, as a composer, was a minor master working on a small scale of emotion and texture.正如哈金所说,门德尔松作为一个作曲家,是一个在小规模的情感和质地上工作的二流大师。It can start on a small scale.它可以从一个小范围开始。
导读1、on a small scale的意思是:小规模地(的)。2、on a small scale的网络解释是 小规模地:ona level with 和...同一水准 |onasmallscale 小规模地 |onaccount of 因为,由于。3、on a small scale的例句是Does that mean that solar energy can only be used on a small scale, like heating a home?这是不是意味着太阳能只能在小范围内使用,比如为家庭供暖?As Haggin put it, Mendelssohn, as a composer, was a minor master working on a small scale of emotion and texture.正如哈金所说,门德尔松作为一个作曲家,是一个在小规模的情感和质地上工作的二流大师。It can start on a small scale.它可以从一个小范围开始。

on a small scale的意思是:小规模地(的)。

on a small scale的意思是:小规模地(的)。on a small scale的网络解释是 小规模地:ona level with 和...同一水准 |onasmallscale 小规模地 |onaccount of 因为,由于。on a small scale的例句是Does that mean that solar energy can only be used on a small scale, like heating a home?这是不是意味着太阳能只能在小范围内使用,比如为家庭供暖?As Haggin put it, Mendelssohn, as a composer, was a minor master working on a small scale of emotion and texture.正如哈金所说,门德尔松作为一个作曲家,是一个在小规模的情感和质地上工作的二流大师。It can start on a small scale.它可以从一个小范围开始。

一、网络解释点此查看on a small scale的详细内容

1. 小规模地:ona level with 和...同一水准 |onasmallscale 小规模地 |onaccount of 因为,由于

2. 小规模的:ona largescale大规模的 |onasmallscale小规模的 |ahead of schedule提前

3. on a small scale在线翻译

3. 小法模地:to the point 切中要害,切题58595 |onasmallscale 小法模地71672 | in demand 有要要,销路好85557

4. 小规模的, 小型的:ex-chief n. 前任首领, 前任领导 | 2.onasmallscale 小规模的, 小型的 |accuse v. to say that someone has done wrong, or has broken the law 指控, 控告


Does that mean that solar energy can only be used on a small scale, like heating a home?


As Haggin put it, Mendelssohn, as a composer, was a minor master working on a small scale of emotion and texture.


It can start on a small scale.


on a small scale的相关临近词


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on a small scale的意思是什么

1、on a small scale的意思是:小规模地(的)。2、on a small scale的网络解释是 小规模地:ona level with 和...同一水准 |onasmallscale 小规模地 |onaccount of 因为,由于。3、on a small scale的例句是Does that mean that solar energy can only be used on a small scale, like heating a home?这是不是意味着太阳能只能在小范围内使用,比如为家庭供暖?As Haggin put it, Mendelssohn, as a composer, was a minor master working on a small scale of emotion and texture.正如哈金所说,门德尔松作为一个作曲家,是一个在小规模的情感和质地上工作的二流大师。It can start on a small scale.它可以从一个小范围开始。
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