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on the spot的解释 on the spot的解释是什么

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-01-01 02:23:04

on the spot的解释 on the spot的解释是什么

1、on the spot的意思是:立刻,当场;在危险中;处于负责地位。2、on the spot的英英释义是Adverb:without delay or immediately;"we hired her on the spot""thought they were going to shoot us down on the spot"in a difficult situation;"that question really put him on the spot"at the place in question; there;"they were on the spot when it happened""it had to be decided by the man on the spot"。3、on the spot的读音是英[ɒnðəspɒt];美[ɑːnðəspɑːt]。
导读1、on the spot的意思是:立刻,当场;在危险中;处于负责地位。2、on the spot的英英释义是Adverb:without delay or immediately;"we hired her on the spot""thought they were going to shoot us down on the spot"in a difficult situation;"that question really put him on the spot"at the place in question; there;"they were on the spot when it happened""it had to be decided by the man on the spot"。3、on the spot的读音是英[ɒnðəspɒt];美[ɑːnðəspɑːt]。

on the spot的意思是:立刻,当场;在危险中;处于负责地位。

on the spot的意思是:立刻,当场;在危险中;处于负责地位。on the spot的英英释义是Adverb:without delay or immediately;"we hired her on the spot""thought they were going to shoot us down on the spot"in a difficult situation;"that question really put him on the spot"at the place in question; there;"they were on the spot when it happened""it had to be decided by the man on the spot"。on the spot的读音是英[ɒnðəspɒt];美[ɑːnðəspɑːt]。

一、英英释义点此查看on the spot的详细内容

  1. without delay or immediately;

    "we hired her on the spot"
    "thought they were going to shoot us down on the spot"

  2. in a difficult situation;

    "that question really put him on the spot"

  3. at the place in question; there;

    "they were on the spot when it happened"
    "it had to be decided by the man on the spot"


1. 现场:现在有些进出口公司(corporation)也不定期的想海外派商业访问团,其中的一个目的就是做现场(onthespot)调查. 当然,面对面的和外商交谈也是一个很重要的获取信息的渠道. 中国出口商品展会(fairs)和其他类似的展会和外商的来访参观,

2. 在场;马上:onthe side 作为兼职/副 业 |onthespot 在场;马上 |onthe whole 总的来说,大体上

3. 在现场,当场:onthe other hand另一方面 |onthespot在现场,当场 |onthe whole总的来说,大体上


The court slapped a murder rap on him.


The murderer was overtaken in his crime.


The policeman arrested the thief on the spot.


The witness is an on-the-spot reporter.


I ventured a small bet on the horse.


It will be to his cost if he bets on that horse.



on the spot的相关临近词


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on the spot的解释 on the spot的解释是什么

1、on the spot的意思是:立刻,当场;在危险中;处于负责地位。2、on the spot的英英释义是Adverb:without delay or immediately;"we hired her on the spot""thought they were going to shoot us down on the spot"in a difficult situation;"that question really put him on the spot"at the place in question; there;"they were on the spot when it happened""it had to be decided by the man on the spot"。3、on the spot的读音是英[ɒnðəspɒt];美[ɑːnðəspɑːt]。
  • 热门焦点



