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on the ground of例句有哪些

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-01-01 02:23:04

on the ground of例句有哪些

1、on the ground of的例句是:If we put both feet squarely on the ground of the Eiffel Tower, we're liberated from the idea that it's a governing presence.如果我们将双脚平放于埃菲尔铁塔的地面上,我们就摆脱了它是一种支配性的存在的观点。As is apparent from the description, ERIN BROCKOVICH is film treading on the ground of earlier films.从上述描述中可以明显地看出,《永不妥协》走的是以前电影的老路。We are against any willful intervention on the ground of rash conclusion that a nation is unable or unwilling to protect its own citizens.我们不赞成动辄判定一国不能或不愿意保护本国国民并肆意干预。2、on the ground of的网络解释是。3、on the ground of的意思是以……为理由;因为。
导读1、on the ground of的例句是:If we put both feet squarely on the ground of the Eiffel Tower, we're liberated from the idea that it's a governing presence.如果我们将双脚平放于埃菲尔铁塔的地面上,我们就摆脱了它是一种支配性的存在的观点。As is apparent from the description, ERIN BROCKOVICH is film treading on the ground of earlier films.从上述描述中可以明显地看出,《永不妥协》走的是以前电影的老路。We are against any willful intervention on the ground of rash conclusion that a nation is unable or unwilling to protect its own citizens.我们不赞成动辄判定一国不能或不愿意保护本国国民并肆意干预。2、on the ground of的网络解释是。3、on the ground of的意思是以……为理由;因为。

on the ground of的例句是:If we put both feet squarely on the ground of the Eiffel Tower, we're liberated from the idea that it's a governing presence.如果我们将双脚平放于埃菲尔铁塔的地面上,我们就摆脱了它是一种支配性的存在的观点。As is apparent from the description, ERIN BROCKOVICH is film treading on the ground of earlier films.从上述描述中可以明显地看出,《永不妥协》走的是以前电影的老路。We are against any willful intervention on the ground of rash conclusion that a nation is unable or unwilling to protect its own citizens.我们不赞成动辄判定一国不能或不愿意保护本国国民并肆意干预。

on the ground of的例句是:If we put both feet squarely on the ground of the Eiffel Tower, we're liberated from the idea that it's a governing presence.如果我们将双脚平放于埃菲尔铁塔的地面上,我们就摆脱了它是一种支配性的存在的观点。As is apparent from the description, ERIN BROCKOVICH is film treading on the ground of earlier films.从上述描述中可以明显地看出,《永不妥协》走的是以前电影的老路。We are against any willful intervention on the ground of rash conclusion that a nation is unable or unwilling to protect its own citizens.我们不赞成动辄判定一国不能或不愿意保护本国国民并肆意干预。on the ground of的网络解释是。on the ground of的意思是以……为理由;因为。

一、参考翻译点此查看on the ground of的详细内容

  • 以…为理由,以…为借口,以…为基础



1. 根据...;以...为理由:onthe contrary反之,正相反 |onthegroundof根据...;以...为理由 |onthe road在旅途中

2. on the ground of的意思

2. 理由:onthe gad 闲荡 |onthegroundof 理由 |ontheground 在地上

3. 以--为理由:In transit 运送中的 |Onthegroundof 以...为理由 | Refer to 查阅,提到,说到,打听

4. (基于. . . 的理由):inthe heatof (在. . . 掌握中) |onthegroundof (基于. . . 的理由) | inthe caseof (为. . . 的理由)


If we put both feet squarely on the ground of the Eiffel Tower, we're liberated from the idea that it's a governing presence.


As is apparent from the description, ERIN BROCKOVICH is film treading on the ground of earlier films.


We are against any willful intervention on the ground of rash conclusion that a nation is unable or unwilling to protect its own citizens.


on the ground of的相关临近词


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on the ground of例句有哪些

1、on the ground of的例句是:If we put both feet squarely on the ground of the Eiffel Tower, we're liberated from the idea that it's a governing presence.如果我们将双脚平放于埃菲尔铁塔的地面上,我们就摆脱了它是一种支配性的存在的观点。As is apparent from the description, ERIN BROCKOVICH is film treading on the ground of earlier films.从上述描述中可以明显地看出,《永不妥协》走的是以前电影的老路。We are against any willful intervention on the ground of rash conclusion that a nation is unable or unwilling to protect its own citizens.我们不赞成动辄判定一国不能或不愿意保护本国国民并肆意干预。2、on the ground of的网络解释是。3、on the ground of的意思是以……为理由;因为。
  • 热门焦点



