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quarter century的解释 quarter century的解释是什么

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-01-01 02:31:19

quarter century的解释 quarter century的解释是什么

1、quarter century的意思是:四分之一世纪。2、quarter century的英英释义是名词 quarter-century:a period of years。3、quarter century的例句是The introduction of new screen formats was put off for a quarter century, and color, though utilized over the next two decades for special productions, also did not become a norm until the .新屏幕格式的引入被推迟了四分之一个世纪,而颜色尽管在接下来的二十年里被用于特制产品,它也是直到二十世纪五十年代才成为一种常态。I have spent almost a quarter century photographing philosophers.我为哲学家拍照已经有几乎四分之一个世纪之久。Then began a quarter century of the most rapid growth that these countries had ever experienced.此后,这些国家就开始了从未经历过的、长达四分之一世纪的最迅猛发展。
导读1、quarter century的意思是:四分之一世纪。2、quarter century的英英释义是名词 quarter-century:a period of years。3、quarter century的例句是The introduction of new screen formats was put off for a quarter century, and color, though utilized over the next two decades for special productions, also did not become a norm until the .新屏幕格式的引入被推迟了四分之一个世纪,而颜色尽管在接下来的二十年里被用于特制产品,它也是直到二十世纪五十年代才成为一种常态。I have spent almost a quarter century photographing philosophers.我为哲学家拍照已经有几乎四分之一个世纪之久。Then began a quarter century of the most rapid growth that these countries had ever experienced.此后,这些国家就开始了从未经历过的、长达四分之一世纪的最迅猛发展。

quarter century的意思是:四分之一世纪。

quarter century的意思是:四分之一世纪。quarter century的英英释义是名词 quarter-century:a period of years。quarter century的例句是The introduction of new screen formats was put off for a quarter century, and color, though utilized over the next two decades for special productions, also did not become a norm until the .新屏幕格式的引入被推迟了四分之一个世纪,而颜色尽管在接下来的二十年里被用于特制产品,它也是直到二十世纪五十年代才成为一种常态。I have spent almost a quarter century photographing philosophers.我为哲学家拍照已经有几乎四分之一个世纪之久。Then began a quarter century of the most rapid growth that these countries had ever experienced.此后,这些国家就开始了从未经历过的、长达四分之一世纪的最迅猛发展。

一、英英释义点此查看quarter century的详细内容

名词 quarter-century:
  1. a period of 25 years


The introduction of new screen formats was put off for a quarter century, and color, though utilized over the next two decades for special productions, also did not become a norm until the 1950s.


I have spent almost a quarter century photographing philosophers.


Then began a quarter century of the most rapid growth that these countries had ever experienced.


quarter century的相关临近词

quarterquarter saw

点此查看更多关于quarter century的详细信息

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quarter century的解释 quarter century的解释是什么

1、quarter century的意思是:四分之一世纪。2、quarter century的英英释义是名词 quarter-century:a period of years。3、quarter century的例句是The introduction of new screen formats was put off for a quarter century, and color, though utilized over the next two decades for special productions, also did not become a norm until the .新屏幕格式的引入被推迟了四分之一个世纪,而颜色尽管在接下来的二十年里被用于特制产品,它也是直到二十世纪五十年代才成为一种常态。I have spent almost a quarter century photographing philosophers.我为哲学家拍照已经有几乎四分之一个世纪之久。Then began a quarter century of the most rapid growth that these countries had ever experienced.此后,这些国家就开始了从未经历过的、长达四分之一世纪的最迅猛发展。
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