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quotation mark怎么读

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-01-01 02:31:19

quotation mark怎么读

1、quotation mark的读音是:。2、quotation mark的例句是A Parameter Map cannot accept data containing a quotation mark in the value.Parameter Map接受的数据中不能包含引号。If the single quotation mark is the outermost quote, no variables are expanded.如果最外边的引号是单引号,那么不展开变量。If the double quotation mark is the outermost quote, all variables are expanded.如果最外边的引号是双引号,那么展开所有变量。3、quotation mark的意思是引号。
导读1、quotation mark的读音是:。2、quotation mark的例句是A Parameter Map cannot accept data containing a quotation mark in the value.Parameter Map接受的数据中不能包含引号。If the single quotation mark is the outermost quote, no variables are expanded.如果最外边的引号是单引号,那么不展开变量。If the double quotation mark is the outermost quote, all variables are expanded.如果最外边的引号是双引号,那么展开所有变量。3、quotation mark的意思是引号。

quotation mark的读音是:。

quotation mark的读音是:。quotation mark的例句是A Parameter Map cannot accept data containing a quotation mark in the value.Parameter Map接受的数据中不能包含引号。If the single quotation mark is the outermost quote, no variables are expanded.如果最外边的引号是单引号,那么不展开变量。If the double quotation mark is the outermost quote, all variables are expanded.如果最外边的引号是双引号,那么展开所有变量。quotation mark的意思是引号。

一、词典解释点此查看quotation mark的详细内容

Quotation marks are punctuation marks that are used in writing to show where speech or a quotation begins and ends. They are usually written or printed as“...” or, in Britain,'...' .


1. quotation mark

1. 引号:体,亦 使用引号(quotationmark)将标题圈起. April). (Manazines)和时事通讯(Newsletters)中每一期 (Issue number)的页码都是自1 开始应标注出版者位置,针对美国出版者,需标注城市(City)和州(State),对於非美国者,则出版者位置可以 用标示.

2. 引用符号:quotation ==> 引语,报价单,行情表 |quotationmark ==> 引用符号 |quotationmarks ==> 引号


A Parameter Map cannot accept data containing a quotation mark in the value.

Parameter Map接受的数据中不能包含引号。

If the single quotation mark is the outermost quote, no variables are expanded.


If the double quotation mark is the outermost quote, all variables are expanded.


quotation mark的相关近义词

quoteinverted comma

quotation mark的相关临近词

quotationquotation letterquotation systemquotation changequotation qualityquotation invoicequotation sentencequotation documentquotation standardquotation patternsquotation strategy

点此查看更多关于quotation mark的详细信息

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quotation mark怎么读

1、quotation mark的读音是:。2、quotation mark的例句是A Parameter Map cannot accept data containing a quotation mark in the value.Parameter Map接受的数据中不能包含引号。If the single quotation mark is the outermost quote, no variables are expanded.如果最外边的引号是单引号,那么不展开变量。If the double quotation mark is the outermost quote, all variables are expanded.如果最外边的引号是双引号,那么展开所有变量。3、quotation mark的意思是引号。
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