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来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-01-01 03:47:53


1、tiptop的例句是:Her hair was thick, glossy and in tiptop condition.她头发浓密、有光泽且发质一流。He kept his villa in tiptop shape.他把他的别墅保持在顶尖的样子。It's the tiptop honor that USA burgher can gain.这是美国公民所能获得的最高荣誉。2、tiptop的英英释义是Noun:the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development;"his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty""the artist's gifts are at their acme""at the height of her career""the peak of perfection""summer was at its peak""...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame""the summit of his ambition""so many highest superlatives achieved by man""at the top of his profession"the extreme top or summit。3、tiptop的读音是英['tɪptɒp];美['tɪpˌtɒp]。
导读1、tiptop的例句是:Her hair was thick, glossy and in tiptop condition.她头发浓密、有光泽且发质一流。He kept his villa in tiptop shape.他把他的别墅保持在顶尖的样子。It's the tiptop honor that USA burgher can gain.这是美国公民所能获得的最高荣誉。2、tiptop的英英释义是Noun:the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development;"his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty""the artist's gifts are at their acme""at the height of her career""the peak of perfection""summer was at its peak""...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame""the summit of his ambition""so many highest superlatives achieved by man""at the top of his profession"the extreme top or summit。3、tiptop的读音是英['tɪptɒp];美['tɪpˌtɒp]。

tiptop的例句是:Her hair was thick, glossy and in tiptop condition.她头发浓密、有光泽且发质一流。He kept his villa in tiptop shape.他把他的别墅保持在顶尖的样子。It's the tiptop honor that USA burgher can gain.这是美国公民所能获得的最高荣誉。

tiptop的例句是:Her hair was thick, glossy and in tiptop condition.她头发浓密、有光泽且发质一流。He kept his villa in tiptop shape.他把他的别墅保持在顶尖的样子。It's the tiptop honor that USA burgher can gain.这是美国公民所能获得的最高荣誉。tiptop的英英释义是Noun:the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development;"his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty""the artist's gifts are at their acme""at the height of her career""the peak of perfection""summer was at its peak""...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame""the summit of his ambition""so many highest superlatives achieved by man""at the top of his profession"the extreme top or summit。tiptop的读音是英['tɪptɒp];美['tɪpˌtɒp]。


  1. the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development;

    "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty"
    "the artist's gifts are at their acme"
    "at the height of her career"
    "the peak of perfection"
    "summer was at its peak"
    "...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame"
    "the summit of his ambition"
    "so many highest superlatives achieved by man"
    "at the top of his profession"

  2. the extreme top or summit
  1. of the highest quality;

    "an ace reporter"
    "a crack shot"
    "a first-rate golfer"
    "a super party"
    "played top-notch tennis"
    "an athlete in tiptop condition"
    "she is absolutely tops"


1. 水果派:水果派软件名称: 水果派(TipTop) 软件大小: 2363KB 软件语言: 英文软件类别: 国外软件/天凌高天凌高(TIPTOP)是工装定位系统的专业提供商,主要生产和销售柔性三维工作台,柔性

2. 绝顶:tiptoe 脚尖 |tiptop 绝顶 | TipWizard 操作向导

3. 非常好:tipster 预测者 |tiptop 非常好 |tiptop 绝顶

4. tiptop

4. 水果消去:SevenSeas-海盗舟 |Tiptop-水果消去 | Type Shark-海底寻宝


Her hair was thick, glossy and in tiptop condition.


He kept his villa in tiptop shape.


It's the tiptop honor that USA burgher can gain.





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1、tiptop的例句是:Her hair was thick, glossy and in tiptop condition.她头发浓密、有光泽且发质一流。He kept his villa in tiptop shape.他把他的别墅保持在顶尖的样子。It's the tiptop honor that USA burgher can gain.这是美国公民所能获得的最高荣誉。2、tiptop的英英释义是Noun:the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development;"his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty""the artist's gifts are at their acme""at the height of her career""the peak of perfection""summer was at its peak""...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame""the summit of his ambition""so many highest superlatives achieved by man""at the top of his profession"the extreme top or summit。3、tiptop的读音是英['tɪptɒp];美['tɪpˌtɒp]。
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