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来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2022-06-24 01:34:51


“I can accept failure.but I cant acceptnot trying.”—— by Michael Jordan“我可以接受失败,但我不能接受放弃。”——迈克尔乔丹。“Even if the world abandonedme.but I also accompany Basketball.”-——by Kobe Bryant“即便这个世界抛弃了我,可是还有篮球陪伴。”——科比布莱恩特。
导读“I can accept failure.but I cant acceptnot trying.”—— by Michael Jordan“我可以接受失败,但我不能接受放弃。”——迈克尔乔丹。“Even if the world abandonedme.but I also accompany Basketball.”-——by Kobe Bryant“即便这个世界抛弃了我,可是还有篮球陪伴。”——科比布莱恩特。

“I can accept failure, but I cant acceptnot trying.”—— by Michael Jordan“我可以接受失败,但我不能接受放弃。”——迈克尔乔丹

“Even if the world abandonedme, but I also accompany Basketball.”-——by Kobe Bryant“即便这个世界抛弃了我,可是还有篮球陪伴。”——科比布莱恩特

There is a lot of pressureput on me, but I dont put a lot of pressure on myself. I feel if I playmy game, it will take care of itself.”——by Lebron James“总是有人给我制造很多压力,但我不给自己制造压力。我觉得只要我开始打比赛后,它们就会自生自灭。”——勒布朗詹姆斯

“If youre absent from mystruggle,then ,dont be present for my success.”——by Dwyane Wade“如果你没经历过我的失败,那么,也不要分享我的成功。”——德维恩韦德

“They can not break me .The only way to break me is to kill me,and everything that does not kill memakes me stronger.”——by Allen Iverson“他们不可能打倒我,除非杀了我,而任何不能杀了我的就只会令我更坚强。”——阿伦艾弗森

“Basketball, maybe youthink this is just a sport, but I regard it as the air what I breathe everyday, this is the meaning of basketball — the basketball is life.”——by Kevin Garnett“篮球,也许你认为这只是一场运动,但我把它当成空气,我每天的呼吸都要靠它,这就是篮球的意义—篮球就是生命!”——凯文加内特

“I think no matter where you are, the people who are not open todistinguish color, but the talent and the sweat you flowing.”——by Steve Nash“我认为无论在什么地方,把人和人区别开来的都不是肤色,而是天赋和你流过的汗水。”——史蒂夫纳什

“My name is Tracy, this is not just a name, and I hope that one dayit could be a sign the NBA, a legend, this may be a distant dream, but I amconvinced that he promising to realize this dream and make unremitting effortspower.”——by Tracy Macgrady“我叫特雷西,这不仅仅只是一个名字,我希望有朝一日它也能成为NBA的一个标志,一段传奇,这或许是一个遥不可及的梦想,但我坚信自己有为实现这个梦想而不懈奋斗的动力。”——特雷西麦克格雷

“If one day I had to crawl to leave the stadium, I would never let mego carried away, no one can, I carried her out, never have.”——by Alonzo Mourning“假如有一天我必须爬着离开球场,我也绝对不会让人把我抬出去,没有人能把我抬出去,永远也不可能。”——阿隆佐莫宁

“Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard. ”——by Kevin Durant“不以天赋而自矜的天才终将成为传奇。” ——凯文杜兰特

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“I can accept failure.but I cant acceptnot trying.”—— by Michael Jordan“我可以接受失败,但我不能接受放弃。”——迈克尔乔丹。“Even if the world abandonedme.but I also accompany Basketball.”-——by Kobe Bryant“即便这个世界抛弃了我,可是还有篮球陪伴。”——科比布莱恩特。
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