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英文自我介绍面试让我来教你写 英文自我介绍面试

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2022-11-18 19:31:01

英文自我介绍面试让我来教你写 英文自我介绍面试

1、Good morning/Good afternoon,dear professors。It’s really my great honor/my pleasure to be here for the interview./ I’m quite glad to be here for the interview。2、My name is Wei Yuman,22 years old.I come from Qinhuangdao,a very beautiful seaside city in Hebei Province.I will graduate from Wuhan University this July,majoring in English。
导读1、Good morning/Good afternoon,dear professors。It’s really my great honor/my pleasure to be here for the interview./ I’m quite glad to be here for the interview。2、My name is Wei Yuman,22 years old.I come from Qinhuangdao,a very beautiful seaside city in Hebei Province.I will graduate from Wuhan University this July,majoring in English。

1、Good morning/Good afternoon, dear professors! It’s really my great honor/my pleasure to be here for the interview. / I’m quite glad to be here for the interview.

2、My name is Wei Yuman, 22 years old. I come from Qinhuangdao, a very beautiful seaside city in Hebei Province. I will graduate from Wuhan University this July, majoring in English.

3、During the four years in my university, I’ve been studying very hard and I was granted the scholarship every semester/year. I’ve gone to great lengths to master both basic and professional skills of English, by reading classic works of English literature and academic papers, attending lectures and seminars and discussing related issues with professors and classmates. Owing to my effort, I’ve laid a solid foundation and developed a keen interest in Foreign Languages and Literature Studies. That’s why I’m eager to further my study and raise my professional level.

4、I’ve been working for TransPerfect Translations Beijing Office as a translator for two years. It is one thing to study translation theory in university, but another to put theory into practice. As I work on translation, I was shocked by my limited knowledge and insufficient practice. Thus, I would like to continue my study in this area.

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英文自我介绍面试让我来教你写 英文自我介绍面试

1、Good morning/Good afternoon,dear professors。It’s really my great honor/my pleasure to be here for the interview./ I’m quite glad to be here for the interview。2、My name is Wei Yuman,22 years old.I come from Qinhuangdao,a very beautiful seaside city in Hebei Province.I will graduate from Wuhan University this July,majoring in English。
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