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用in excess of造句子 棕榈树造句 用棕榈树造句子 有得卖造句 红烧茄子怎么烧好吃 红烧茄子做法 用有得卖造句子 紫色黑色蔬菜和水果 花青素含量较高的蔬果都有哪些 笋干怎么烧好吃 笋干做法 棕榈油造句 用棕榈油造句子 吴用造句 鳕鱼怎么烧好吃 鳕鱼做法 用吴用造句子 棕竹造句 用棕竹造句子 lose heart造句 用lose heart造句子 鲫鱼豆腐汤怎么烧 鲫鱼豆腐汤怎么做 玫瑰花茶可以放冰箱吗 怎么存放玫瑰花茶 棕红造句 干透的美缝剂怎么清除 干透的美缝剂清除方法 用必先造句子 必先造句 王者荣耀保存的视频怎么导出 王者荣耀保存的视频导出方法 金汤怎么调制 金汤如何调制 用棕榈叶造句子 棕榈叶造句 汤圆英语怎么说 汤圆翻译成英文是啥 黄豆做豆腐要泡多久 黄豆做豆腐泡多久比较合适 用bazaar造句子 bazaar造句 用棕榈造句子 自己做的面条怎么保存 手擀面保存方法 棕榈造句 ps怎么保存jpg ps如何保存jpg 用defective造句子 defective造句 怎么把pdf一页单独保存 把pdf一页单独保存方法介绍 用素子造句子 素子造句
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in excess of造句

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2022-05-03 22:42:00

in excess of造句

1.That allowed Americans to live far in excess of what they brought home from work.(这允许美国人的生活远比仅靠工作收入来得惬意的多。)
导读1.That allowed Americans to live far in excess of what they brought home from work.(这允许美国人的生活远比仅靠工作收入来得惬意的多。)

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【in excess of造句】内容,供您参考。

1、That allowed Americans to live far in excess of what they brought home from work.(这允许美国人的生活远比仅靠工作收入来得惬意的多。)

2、Singaporean authorities estimate that 11, 000 residents held duff securities with a face value in excess of S$530m ($347m).(新加坡估计大约有11,000市民持有不良证券,面值超过五亿三千万新元(3亿4千7百万美金)。)

3、Luggage in excess of 100 kg will be charged extra.(超过100公斤的行李要额外收费。)

4、He devoted in excess of seventy hours a week to the performance of his duties.(他每周在自己职责的执行上投入超过70个小时。)

5、Population figures for elk are in excess of 30,000-the largest population of any large mammal species in Yellowstone.(麋鹿的种群数字超过了3万头——这是黄石公园里最大的一种大型哺乳动物。)

6、Food inflation far in excess of wage growth translates to a dramatic fall in their standard of living.(食品价格涨幅远超过工资涨幅,将导致他们的生活质量急剧下降。)

7、natural resources, unlike output created by human endeavor, yield large "rents", which are rewards in excess of effort.(自然资源不同于那些人类劳动创造的产出,会带来大笔的“租金”,即超额付出的奖励。)

8、During the dry periods that are common phenomena along the desert margins, the pressure on the land is often far in excess of its diminished capacity, and desertification results.(在沙漠边缘地区常有的旱季,土地所受的压力往往远超其被削弱的承受能力,沙漠化因此发生。)

9、By far the largest cemetery for a range of different cultures in the southern hemisphere, it covers in excess of 300, 000 square feet.(这里是迄今为止南半球融合不同文化的最大墓园,占地超过300,000平方英尺。)

10、The highest turnouts, in excess of 90 percent, came from some of Russia's poorest regions, such as Mordovia, Chechnya, and Dagestan.(在一些地方,超过90%的选民都参加了投票。在俄罗斯全国各地,投票率最高的往往是俄罗斯最贫穷的地区,包括像莫尔多瓦、车臣以及达格斯坦。)

11、Committing a forgery is a felony, but driving an automobile in excess of the speed limit is a misdemeanor.(进行伪造是犯重罪,但超速驾驶属于轻罪。)

12、However, these types of acute effects are only likely within fields in excess of 8 t.(然而,这种类型的即刻效应仅在磁场强度超过8T时才可能发生。)

13、"We think we can materially take market share and grow at a rate in excess of our competitors," he said.(“我们认为我们可以获得相当规模的市场份额,并以高于竞争对手的速度增长,”他说。)

14、If bank policy is to make loans and investments equal to whatever reserves are in excess of legal requirements, the expansion process will be carried on.(如果银行的政策是让贷款和投资等于任何超出法律要求的储备金,那么扩张过程将继续下去。)

15、The value of the company is well in excess of $2 billion.(该公司的价值远超过20亿美元。)

16、Read cache hits should be in excess of 99 percent, and we would like write cache hits to be above 95 percent.(读命中率应超过99%,写缓存命中率最好达到95%左右。)

17、With parking revenue in excess of $1 million a year, its streets receive biweekly steam-cleaning.(停车费收入每年超过1百万美元,该区的街道得以享用两周一次蒸汽清洁服务。)

18、The major UK Banks have all built up capital cushions in excess of the new regulatory minimum - and in some cases, comfortably so.(英国大部分银行已经建立起缓冲资金已超过新规定中的最低资本——在某些条件下,还有富余。)

19、Even though in error, Joly's calculations clearly supported those geologists who insisted on an age for Earth far in excess of a few million years.(尽管乔利的计算有误,但其计算显然支持了那些坚持认为地球的年龄远远超过几百万年的地质学家。)

20、Gusty winds may blow out of a thunderstorm at speed in excess of 75 miles an hour.(阵风可以以每小时75英里以上的速度从雷暴中吹出。)

21、As they travel inland at speeds in excess of 60 feet a year, they merge with the rich grass and scattered trees of the savanna.(它们以每年超过60英尺的速度向内地迁移,融入了热带稀树大草原的丰富草地和零星的树木。)

22、The amount of penalty for breach of contract shall not be in excess of the training fees as provided by the employer.(违约金的数额不得超过用人单位提供的培训费用。)

23、That was agreeable, so they chewed it turn about, and dangled their legs against the bench in excess of contentment.(这是令人愉快的,所以他们就轮流把它嚼了嚼,然后他们悬着腿,坐在长凳上,非常开心。)

24、Estimates suggest the cost to the poultry industry has been in excess of US$10 billion.(据估计,家禽饲养业的损失已超过100忆美元。)

25、Though technically feasible budging such a hefty target - with a mass in excess of a million tons - would not be easy.(即使技术上可行,移动一个如此巨大的目标——远超过一百万吨——也将是不易的。)

26、Individual particles in a TGF acquire a huge amount of energy, sometimes in excess of 20 mega-electron volts (MeV).(单个的粒子可以在一次伽马射线闪光中获得巨大能量,有时会超出二十兆电子伏特(MeV)。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。



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in excess of造句

1.That allowed Americans to live far in excess of what they brought home from work.(这允许美国人的生活远比仅靠工作收入来得惬意的多。)
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