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nothing to do with的解释是什么

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-01-01 03:00:32

nothing to do with的解释是什么

1、nothing to do with的意思是:与……无关。2、nothing to do with的例句是That has nothing to do with what we're discussing.那与我们所讨论的问题毫不相干。Evidently, it has nothing to do with social background.显然,这与社会背景毫无关系。It's got nothing to do with sexism. You know I'm not a sexist.这与性别歧视毫无关系。你知道我不是个性别歧视者。
导读1、nothing to do with的意思是:与……无关。2、nothing to do with的例句是That has nothing to do with what we're discussing.那与我们所讨论的问题毫不相干。Evidently, it has nothing to do with social background.显然,这与社会背景毫无关系。It's got nothing to do with sexism. You know I'm not a sexist.这与性别歧视毫无关系。你知道我不是个性别歧视者。

nothing to do with的意思是:与……无关。

nothing to do with的意思是:与……无关。nothing to do with的例句是That has nothing to do with what we're discussing.那与我们所讨论的问题毫不相干。Evidently, it has nothing to do with social background.显然,这与社会背景毫无关系。It's got nothing to do with sexism. You know I'm not a sexist.这与性别歧视毫无关系。你知道我不是个性别歧视者。

一、网络释义点此查看nothing to do with的详细内容


... nothing doing 不行 Nothing matters to me. 我什么都无所谓 nothing to do with 与无关 ...


... 是你的 是我的 是我们的 » Is you is, I was the 与 无关 » nothing to do with 芥菜裙边 » Mustard skirt ...


... nothing succeeds like success 一事成功什么都顺利 nothing to do with 和…没关系. think nothing of 觉得…不怎么样,不在乎,觉得没什么 ...


... come to nothing 失败 nothing to do with...无关 think nothing of把…看作平常 ...


That has nothing to do with what we're discussing.


Evidently, it has nothing to do with social background.


It's got nothing to do with sexism. You know I'm not a sexist.


nothing to do with的相关临近词


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nothing to do with的解释是什么

1、nothing to do with的意思是:与……无关。2、nothing to do with的例句是That has nothing to do with what we're discussing.那与我们所讨论的问题毫不相干。Evidently, it has nothing to do with social background.显然,这与社会背景毫无关系。It's got nothing to do with sexism. You know I'm not a sexist.这与性别歧视毫无关系。你知道我不是个性别歧视者。
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