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来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-01-01 02:32:34


1、recover的常用短语是:用作动词(v.)recover from (v.+prep.)恢复,痊愈 become well; get overrecover sth from sb/sthDon't lend books to your friends; it's difficult to recover the books from them when you want them.不要把书借给你的朋友们,在你需要时,很难从他们那儿把书要回来。He recovered his football from the neighbour's lawn.他从邻居的草坪上拿回了足球。It is recovered from its compounds.它从其化合物中被分离出来。recover from sb/sthA healthy child quickly recovers from a fever.健康的孩子发烧后能很快恢复。It always takes some time to recover from the shock of someone's death.从某人的逝世所造成的震惊中恢复过来总需要一些时间。They took a long time to recover from this shock.他们很久才从这一打击中恢复过来。How long will it be before the nation recovers from its present troubles?这个国家从目前的困境中恢复过来需要多长时间?She recovered from her surprise, and answered calmly.她从惊慌中恢复过来,并且镇静地给予了回答。That country hasn't yet recovered from the effects of the war.战争结束以来,那个国家尚未恢复元气。2、recover的词语用法是v.(动词)recover的基本意思是“寻回”“取回”,指无意或有意地找到或得到曾经失掉的物质的或精神的东西,引申可指“恢复”“重新控制”“重新获得”“回复到正常状态”等。3、recover的意思是v.恢复;复原;重获。
导读1、recover的常用短语是:用作动词(v.)recover from (v.+prep.)恢复,痊愈 become well; get overrecover sth from sb/sthDon't lend books to your friends; it's difficult to recover the books from them when you want them.不要把书借给你的朋友们,在你需要时,很难从他们那儿把书要回来。He recovered his football from the neighbour's lawn.他从邻居的草坪上拿回了足球。It is recovered from its compounds.它从其化合物中被分离出来。recover from sb/sthA healthy child quickly recovers from a fever.健康的孩子发烧后能很快恢复。It always takes some time to recover from the shock of someone's death.从某人的逝世所造成的震惊中恢复过来总需要一些时间。They took a long time to recover from this shock.他们很久才从这一打击中恢复过来。How long will it be before the nation recovers from its present troubles?这个国家从目前的困境中恢复过来需要多长时间?She recovered from her surprise, and answered calmly.她从惊慌中恢复过来,并且镇静地给予了回答。That country hasn't yet recovered from the effects of the war.战争结束以来,那个国家尚未恢复元气。2、recover的词语用法是v.(动词)recover的基本意思是“寻回”“取回”,指无意或有意地找到或得到曾经失掉的物质的或精神的东西,引申可指“恢复”“重新控制”“重新获得”“回复到正常状态”等。3、recover的意思是v.恢复;复原;重获。

recover的常用短语是:用作动词(v.)recover from (v.+prep.)恢复,痊愈 become well; get overrecover sth from sb/sthDon't lend books to your friends; it's difficult to recover the books from them when you want them.不要把书借给你的朋友们,在你需要时,很难从他们那儿把书要回来。He recovered his football from the neighbour's lawn.他从邻居的草坪上拿回了足球。It is recovered from its compounds.它从其化合物中被分离出来。recover from sb/sthA healthy child quickly recovers from a fever.健康的孩子发烧后能很快恢复。It always takes some time to recover from the shock of someone's death.从某人的逝世所造成的震惊中恢复过来总需要一些时间。They took a long time to recover from this shock.他们很久才从这一打击中恢复过来。How long will it be before the nation recovers from its present troubles?这个国家从目前的困境中恢复过来需要多长时间?She recovered from her surprise, and answered calmly.她从惊慌中恢复过来,并且镇静地给予了回答。That country hasn't yet recovered from the effects of the war.战争结束以来,那个国家尚未恢复元气。

recover的常用短语是:用作动词(v.)recover from (v.+prep.)恢复,痊愈 become well; get overrecover sth from sb/sthDon't lend books to your friends; it's difficult to recover the books from them when you want them.不要把书借给你的朋友们,在你需要时,很难从他们那儿把书要回来。He recovered his football from the neighbour's lawn.他从邻居的草坪上拿回了足球。It is recovered from its compounds.它从其化合物中被分离出来。recover from sb/sthA healthy child quickly recovers from a fever.健康的孩子发烧后能很快恢复。It always takes some time to recover from the shock of someone's death.从某人的逝世所造成的震惊中恢复过来总需要一些时间。They took a long time to recover from this shock.他们很久才从这一打击中恢复过来。How long will it be before the nation recovers from its present troubles?这个国家从目前的困境中恢复过来需要多长时间?She recovered from her surprise, and answered calmly.她从惊慌中恢复过来,并且镇静地给予了回答。That country hasn't yet recovered from the effects of the war.战争结束以来,那个国家尚未恢复元气。recover的词语用法是v.(动词)recover的基本意思是“寻回”“取回”,指无意或有意地找到或得到曾经失掉的物质的或精神的东西,引申可指“恢复”“重新控制”“重新获得”“回复到正常状态”等。recover的意思是v.恢复;复原;重获。


  1. 恢复,复原,使恢复原状
  2. 找到,找回,重新找到
  3. 重新获得
  4. 围垦,造(地)
  5. 【律】取回,取得(损害赔偿、所有权)
  6. 挽回,弥补,补偿
  7. 回收(废料)
  8. 搜出
  9. 【击剑】恢复开始时姿势
  10. 使痊愈,使复原
  11. 使清醒,使复活
  12. 恢复健康,康复,痊愈
  13. 【律】胜诉
  14. 【体】重新得球
  1. 【击剑等】恢复开始时姿势


  1. get or find back; recover the use of;

    "She regained control of herself"
    "She found her voice and replied quickly"

  2. get over an illness or shock;

    "The patient is recuperating"

  3. regain a former condition after a financial loss;

    "We expect the stocks to recover to $2.90"
    "The company managed to recuperate"

  4. regain or make up for;

    "recuperate one's losses"

  5. reuse (materials from waste products)
  6. cover anew;

    "recover a chair"


1. 收回:根据第三编第120条第2款,财产的权利人要求善意占有人返还财产或已经自该占有人处收回(recover)财产的,有义务向该占有人返还,根据第六编第三章的规定占有人可能因其占有而须向第三人支付的赔偿金;

2. 修复:用 RAW 档拍摄, 后制时 加光暗位(fill light) 和 修复(recover) 过度曝光位.日落后1 小时(magic hour) 不要放过, 拍出的的效果会比人眼看见的来得更靓

3.recover:reco; 回复行程


He's now fully recovered from his stroke.


He is very ill and unlikely to recover.


I nearly fell but managed to recover myself.


I sat down to recover from my agitation.


The police recovered the stolen jewellery.


Hung Lo went to battle to recover that horse.



recover from (v.+prep.)
    恢复,痊愈 become well; get over
    recover sth from sb/sth

    Don't lend books to your friends; it's difficult to recover the books from them when you want them.


    He recovered his football from the neighbour's lawn.


    It is recovered from its compounds.


    recover from sb/sth

    A healthy child quickly recovers from a fever.


    It always takes some time to recover from the shock of someone's death.


    They took a long time to recover from this shock.


    How long will it be before the nation recovers from its present troubles?


    She recovered from her surprise, and answered calmly.


    That country hasn't yet recovered from the effects of the war.



  • Any more than a dead carcase can be recovered to life by a cordial.

  • A young lady who faints, must be recovered.

    出自:J. Austen
  • He..recovered her from an imminent..disease.

    出自:F. Marryat


recover, reclaim, recoup, recruit, retrieve
  • 这五个词均有“重新得到”的意思。它们的区别是:recover指“失而复得”,可指通过努力而寻回,也可指无意中找到; reclaim可指取回临时寄存的物品,也可指从废弃物品中回收有用的东西; recoup指原告在胜诉后从被告处取得的损害赔偿; recruit指用增加或补充的办法使某物恢复到原来的良好状态。retrieve指经过努力而收回某物或挽回名誉,或指弥补损失或改正错误。例如:
  • The library reclaimed the book he borrowed a year ago.图书馆要求他归还一年前借去的那本书。
  • You should recoup your investment within a year.你应当在一年之内挣回相当于你投资总额的红利。
  • Most of the teachers there are recruited from abroad.那里的大多数教师都是从国外招聘来的。
  • He retrieved his spirits.他精神恢复了。
  • recover, restore
  • 这组词的共同意思是“失而复得”。其区别是:
  • 1.指恢复某物具体的状况时,多用restore; 指恢复抽象的状况时,常用recover。
  • 2.这两个词均可指恢复健康,但使用的句式不同:recover用于recover one's health,只用于主动结构,以人作主语; 而restore则用于restore sb to health,且多用于被动结构。例如:
  • He has recovered his sight.他的视力恢复了。
  • Jack was restored to health.杰克终于恢复了健康。
  • recover, reconstruct
  • 这两个词都有“恢复”的意思。它们的区别是:recover通常指人的身体方面的恢复; 而reconstruct主要指经济建设等方面的恢复。例如:
  • We must reconstruct the national economy.我们必须恢复国民经济建设。
  • recover,reclaim,restore,regain
  • 这些动词均有“重新获得,重新找到,恢复”之意。
  • recover普通用词,含义广,可泛指收回去的物质的或精神的东西,也指无意中找到失物。
  • reclaim主要指回收或利用废物。
  • restore指建筑物、工艺品恢复原状,也指健康、能力等的恢复。
  • regain着重指通过努力使失去的东西复得。
  • recover的相关近义词





    recoveryrecourserecoverinrecovererrecoveredrecovereerecoveriesrecoveringrecoverablerecover timerecover linerecover from


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    1、recover的常用短语是:用作动词(v.)recover from (v.+prep.)恢复,痊愈 become well; get overrecover sth from sb/sthDon't lend books to your friends; it's difficult to recover the books from them when you want them.不要把书借给你的朋友们,在你需要时,很难从他们那儿把书要回来。He recovered his football from the neighbour's lawn.他从邻居的草坪上拿回了足球。It is recovered from its compounds.它从其化合物中被分离出来。recover from sb/sthA healthy child quickly recovers from a fever.健康的孩子发烧后能很快恢复。It always takes some time to recover from the shock of someone's death.从某人的逝世所造成的震惊中恢复过来总需要一些时间。They took a long time to recover from this shock.他们很久才从这一打击中恢复过来。How long will it be before the nation recovers from its present troubles?这个国家从目前的困境中恢复过来需要多长时间?She recovered from her surprise, and answered calmly.她从惊慌中恢复过来,并且镇静地给予了回答。That country hasn't yet recovered from the effects of the war.战争结束以来,那个国家尚未恢复元气。2、recover的词语用法是v.(动词)recover的基本意思是“寻回”“取回”,指无意或有意地找到或得到曾经失掉的物质的或精神的东西,引申可指“恢复”“重新控制”“重新获得”“回复到正常状态”等。3、recover的意思是v.恢复;复原;重获。
    • 热门焦点



