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quarry operation的解释

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-01-01 02:31:19

quarry operation的解释

1、quarry operation的意思是:采石场的运作。2、quarry operation的例句是Instead, the record suggests a severe but quite localized impact on neighboring lands, due less to the cement plant than to the operation of the quarry on the same site.相反,案卷表明,对邻近田地造成的严重的、归因于水泥厂的影响并不大,归因于同一地区采石厂的影响却更大。
导读1、quarry operation的意思是:采石场的运作。2、quarry operation的例句是Instead, the record suggests a severe but quite localized impact on neighboring lands, due less to the cement plant than to the operation of the quarry on the same site.相反,案卷表明,对邻近田地造成的严重的、归因于水泥厂的影响并不大,归因于同一地区采石厂的影响却更大。

quarry operation的意思是:采石场的运作。

quarry operation的意思是:采石场的运作。quarry operation的例句是Instead, the record suggests a severe but quite localized impact on neighboring lands, due less to the cement plant than to the operation of the quarry on the same site.相反,案卷表明,对邻近田地造成的严重的、归因于水泥厂的影响并不大,归因于同一地区采石厂的影响却更大。

一、网络释义点此查看quarry operation的详细内容


... qualify as 作为...合适 quarry operation 采石场的运作 quarter century 四分之一世纪 ...


... quarry of slate 采板岩场 quarry operation 露天开采工作 quarry powder 露天回采炸药 ...


Instead, the record suggests a severe but quite localized impact on neighboring lands, due less to the cement plant than to the operation of the quarry on the same site.


quarry operation的相关临近词

quarryquarry car

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quarry operation的解释

1、quarry operation的意思是:采石场的运作。2、quarry operation的例句是Instead, the record suggests a severe but quite localized impact on neighboring lands, due less to the cement plant than to the operation of the quarry on the same site.相反,案卷表明,对邻近田地造成的严重的、归因于水泥厂的影响并不大,归因于同一地区采石厂的影响却更大。
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