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rice dumpling怎么读

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2023-01-01 03:41:44

rice dumpling怎么读

1、rice dumpling的读音是:。2、rice dumpling的例句是I picked the biggest rice dumpling and ate it.我挑了个最大的粽子,吃了起来。The prices of raw materials, including glutinous rice, sugar, and edible oil, have risen this year, causing a spike in rice dumpling price.今年以来,糯米、糖、食用油等原材料的价格持续上涨了左右,导致粽子的价格水涨船高。We usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao.我们通常吃一种叫元宵的汤圆。3、rice dumpling的意思是n.粽子。
导读1、rice dumpling的读音是:。2、rice dumpling的例句是I picked the biggest rice dumpling and ate it.我挑了个最大的粽子,吃了起来。The prices of raw materials, including glutinous rice, sugar, and edible oil, have risen this year, causing a spike in rice dumpling price.今年以来,糯米、糖、食用油等原材料的价格持续上涨了左右,导致粽子的价格水涨船高。We usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao.我们通常吃一种叫元宵的汤圆。3、rice dumpling的意思是n.粽子。

rice dumpling的读音是:。

rice dumpling的读音是:。rice dumpling的例句是I picked the biggest rice dumpling and ate it.我挑了个最大的粽子,吃了起来。The prices of raw materials, including glutinous rice, sugar, and edible oil, have risen this year, causing a spike in rice dumpling price.今年以来,糯米、糖、食用油等原材料的价格持续上涨了左右,导致粽子的价格水涨船高。We usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao.我们通常吃一种叫元宵的汤圆。rice dumpling的意思是n.粽子。

一、网络释义点此查看rice dumpling的详细内容


... boiled dumpling 水饺 ; 饺子 rice dumpling 粽子 ; 汤圆 ; 肉粽 ; 疗伤烧肉粽 water dumpling 水饺 ...


... boiled dumpling 水饺 ; 饺子 rice dumpling 粽子 ; 汤圆 ; 肉粽 ; 疗伤烧肉粽 water dumpling 水饺 ...


... dumpling饺子 rice dumpling元宵 at midnight在午夜 ...


I picked the biggest rice dumpling and ate it.


The prices of raw materials, including glutinous rice, sugar, and edible oil, have risen 25% this year, causing a spike in rice dumpling price.


We usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao.


rice dumpling的相关临近词

ricerice belt

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rice dumpling怎么读

1、rice dumpling的读音是:。2、rice dumpling的例句是I picked the biggest rice dumpling and ate it.我挑了个最大的粽子,吃了起来。The prices of raw materials, including glutinous rice, sugar, and edible oil, have risen this year, causing a spike in rice dumpling price.今年以来,糯米、糖、食用油等原材料的价格持续上涨了左右,导致粽子的价格水涨船高。We usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao.我们通常吃一种叫元宵的汤圆。3、rice dumpling的意思是n.粽子。
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