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walk away with造句

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2022-05-03 17:48:51

walk away with造句

3.Enter our competition and you could walk away with $10,000.(参加我们的竞赛,你就可以轻松赢得$10000。)
导读3.Enter our competition and you could walk away with $10,000.(参加我们的竞赛,你就可以轻松赢得$10000。)

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【walk away with造句】内容,供您参考。

1、The only problem is getting the information down from the whiteboard so people can walk away with it.(唯一的问题是搜集信息下了白板,这样大家就可以走了。)

2、but you'll have done so with dignity, instead of disgrace - allowing you to walk away with your head held high.(但是你应该因为你高尚和高贵去这样做,而不是耻辱,让你自己昂这头转身离开。)

3、Enter our competition and you could walk away with $10,000.(参加我们的竞赛,你就可以轻松赢得$10000。)

4、Really put your best into it and see if you don’t walk away with a higher number of truly great ideas.(看看你是否能够真正开动脑子发现一些更棒的创意。)

5、I want people to walk away with a plan to try something new that will help them advance their careers.(我希望,人们离开会场时,脑子里能形成一个计划,打算尝试一些新事物,以不断推进其职业生涯。)

6、It would be important to walk away with one thought about all this. With the tax so high, tips were already included.(所以说更重要的是改变你对这一切所持观点,包括高税额及小费在内。)

7、Rhodes is thrilled to walk away with checks totaling $5,100.(Rhodes激动的拿着总共5100美元的支票离开。)

8、Yet some executives will still walk away with large paychecks.(不过一些高管仍将带着丰厚的报酬离开。)

9、No, I didn't walk away with a lover, but I now have a friend who is dear to my heart.(不,我没有得到一个情人,但我现在有一个朋友,是我十分重视的。)

10、Agree. We actually had a shot to walk away with a win but Tmac handed the game to Suns.(同意,我们实际上可以胜利的,但是麦迪把胜利拱手送给太阳,第三节的防守很出色。)

11、And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away with their arms intertwined.(当我看到这对夫妻手挽手缠绕走在一起时,感受到他们彼此分享着爱。)

12、Like many people, when the pokemon General Election was first announced, I just sort of assumed Pikachu was going to walk away with it.(最早宣布要进行神奇宝贝大选的时候,我就像许多人一样,有那么点儿想当然,认为皮卡丘会轻易获胜。)

13、If you look closer in the background of the picture, you'll see that there is a thief picking up their bag to walk away with it.(如果你细看照片的背景,你会看到一个小偷拾起他们的包正想跑呢。)

14、The governor declined requests for an interview, but I did walk away with three custom-made Daniel Marshall cigars from his office.(州长拒绝接受对他的采访,可我曾经从他的办公室里顺手拿走过三只订做的DanielMarshall牌雪茄。)

15、IF you are losing your job, you might at least walk away with a competitive advantage.(如果你失去了你的工作,在走的时候你可能至少还要带上点有竞争优势的东西。)

16、But they're really only different in structure. You still have to study hard and you still walk away with a well-earned college degree.(但仅仅是结构上的不同,你仍然需要努力学习才能顺利拿到满意的大学学历。)

17、Like many people, when the Pokémon General Election was first announced, I just sort of assumed Pikachu was going to walk away with it.(在首次宣布要进行神奇宝贝大选的时候,我就像许多人一样,有那么点儿想当然,认为皮卡丘会轻易获胜。)

18、America is also unusual in having non-recourse mortgages that let borrowers walk away with no liability.(美国的特殊还在于提供了“无追索权”房贷,可以让借贷人无负债的轻易走开。)

19、This is a guy who keeps winning regular season MVP trophies, but won't walk away with a title until Kobe retires.(他就是一个继续赢得常规赛MVP但是却不能在科比退役前赢得一个戒指的家伙。)

20、Driving schools in South Korea offer courses to enable applicants to walk away with a licence in a week.(在韩国,驾校会给合格学员安排课程,让他们在一周内拿到驾照。)

21、They said some customers were using the certificates to make token purchases and walk away with cash.(他们说有些顾客用购物卡买筹码然后马上用筹码再换成现金离开。)

22、You turn back and walk away with the sweetest smile. Then, there're not any more traces of you in my life as you disappear in the fog.(你带着最甜美的微笑轻轻转身离开,一点点消失在蒙雾中,然后,我了解到我的生命里再有也不会有任何你的痕迹。)

23、What was going through your mind when you saw the USA walk away with only bronze?(当你看到美国队仅仅拿到铜牌的时候你个人是怎么认为的?)

24、And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away with their arms interwined.(当这对夫妻胳膊挽胳膊一起离开的时候,我看到了他们之间的爱。)

25、Due to liquidation preference rights, the founders and all employees walk away with exactly nothing.(由于优先清偿权,创始人和所有员工一无所获,而被扫地出门。)

26、No one expects his dog to get up and walk away with utter indifference at the exact moment that he finally comes out to his grandmother.(没有人预料到,他出来迎接祖母的时候,自己的狗恰巧起身,漠不关心地转身离去。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。



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walk away with造句

3.Enter our competition and you could walk away with $10,000.(参加我们的竞赛,你就可以轻松赢得$10000。)
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