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来源:懂视网 责编:李赢赢 时间:2021-12-31 10:47:14
导读被动语态:难句:Cardriverscanbuyelectro-petrolhybridsbutaircraftare,fornow,stuckwithkerosene。 结构分析:以连词but为切入点,本句包含两个并列分句。




【难句1】 Car drivers can buy electro-petrol hybrids but aircraft are, for now, stuck with kerosene, because its energy-density makes it the only practical fuel to carry around in the air. (The Economist Jun. 8, 2006)

【结构分析】 以连词but为切入点,本句包含两个并列分句。其中第二个并列分句aircraft are, for now, stuck with kerosene, because its energy-density makes it the only practical fuel to carry around in the air包含because引导的原因状语从句,使用了make it sth。(使它成为……)结构,主句aircraft are, for now, stuck with kerosene使用了被动语态,并由介词短语for now分隔,连接后得到aircraft are stuck with kerosene,翻译时为符合汉语习惯译为主动。

【参考译文】 小汽车司机可以购买电力汽油混合动力的汽车,但是飞机只能用煤油,因为它的能量密度使其成为唯一可以在空中携带的燃料。

【难句2】 It can be plugged into a hand-held device (such as a mobile phone, music player or portable games console) to power or recharge it, and has sufficient capacity to provide around 30 hours of talk-time on a mobile phone, or 60~80 hours of playback time for an iPod music player. (The Economist Jun. 8, 2006)

【结构分析】 去掉括号内的举例补充说明,以and为切入点,得到It can be plugged into a hand held device to power or recharge it, and has sufficient capacity to provide…, and并列了两个谓语,前一谓语使用了被动语态be plugged,翻译时我们可转译为主动,后一谓语的宾语补足语to provide后的宾语由or并列,分别为around 30 hours of talk-time on a mobile phone和60~80 hours of playback time for an iPod music player。

【参考译文】 它可以放入手持设备(比如手机、音乐播放器或便携式游戏机)给其提供能源或充电,足以供一部手机通话30小时,或者一台iPod音乐播放器播放60到80小时。

【难句3】Questions are increasingly being asked by the councils about how they can be sure that misconduct is not taking place on the grants they provide.(The Guardian Oct. 3, 2007)

【结构分析】 本句使用了被动语态的现在进行时结构,主干为Questions are increasingly being asked about…,施动者by the councils构成了分隔结构。在翻译时,我们可以化被动为主动,the councils are increasingly asking questions about…,介词about后的宾语由how引导的从句how they can be sure…充当,这里又包含一个特殊的结构“主语+adj.+从句”,that引导的名词性从句 misconduct is not taking place on the grants they provide中,grants后是一个省略了关系代词that/which的定语从句,关系代词在从句中作provide的宾语。

【参考译文】 各委员会越来越多地提出问题——关于他们如何能够确保在他们同意的情况下避免发生处理不当的行为。

【难句4】It’s much easier to say “Great idea!” when a terrific solution has been put forward by someone on your team, than it is to take the time to explain why an employee’s favorite brainchild isn’t going anywhere except the circular file. (Business Week Feb. 5, 2007)

【结构分析】 本句成分复杂。以逗号为切入点,得到一个比较结构It’s much easier to say “Great idea!”…than…。it是形式主语,前半部分的真正主语由不定式结构to say “Great idea!”…充当,这里包含一个when引导的时间状语从句when a terrific solution has been put forward by someone on your team,使用了被动语态的现在完成时。后半部分真正主语为to take the time to explain…,explain后的宾语是why引导的宾语从句 why an employee’s favorite brainchild isn’t going anywhere except the circular file。在翻译时,我们将状语提前,且化被动为主动。

【参考译文】 当团队中的某个人提出了极好的解决方案时,说“好主意”要比花时间解释为什么一个职员最喜欢的想法最终被抛弃要容易得多。


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