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youraisemeup完整歌词 youraisemeup完

来源:懂视网 责编:小OO 时间:2022-04-03 04:00:26

youraisemeup完整歌词 youraisemeup完

1、《You Raise Me Up》歌词如下:When I am down and oh my soul so weary。When troubles come and my heart burdened be。Then I am still and wait here in the silence。Until you come and sit a while with me。You raise me up so I can stand on mountains。You raise me up to walk on stormy seas。I am strong when I am on your shoulders。You raise me up to more than I can be。You raise me up so I can stand on mountains。
导读1、《You Raise Me Up》歌词如下:When I am down and oh my soul so weary。When troubles come and my heart burdened be。Then I am still and wait here in the silence。Until you come and sit a while with me。You raise me up so I can stand on mountains。You raise me up to walk on stormy seas。I am strong when I am on your shoulders。You raise me up to more than I can be。You raise me up so I can stand on mountains。

1、《You Raise Me Up》歌词如下:

When I am down and oh my soul so weary

When troubles come and my heart burdened be

Then I am still and wait here in the silence

Until you come and sit a while with me

You raise me up so I can stand on mountains

You raise me up to walk on stormy seas

I am strong when I am on your shoulders

You raise me up to more than I can be

You raise me up so I can stand on mountains

You raise me up to walk on stormy seas

I am strong when I am on your shoulders

You raise me up to more than I can be

There is no life no life without its hunger

Each restless heart beats so imperfectly

But when you come and I am filled with wonder

Sometimes I think I glimpse eternity

You raise me up so I can stand on mountains

You raise me up to walk on stormy seas

And I am strong when I am on your shoulders

You raise me up to more than I can be

You raise me up to more than I can be [1]

当我失意低落之时 我的精神,是那么疲倦不堪

当烦恼困难袭来之际 我的内心,是那么负担沉重

然而,我默默的伫立 静静的等待

直到你的来临 片刻地和我在一起

你激励了我 故我能立足于群山之巅

你鼓舞了我 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面

在你坚实的臂膀上 我变得坚韧强壮

你的鼓励 使我超越了自我

你激励了我 故我能立足于群山之巅

你鼓舞了我 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面

在你坚实的臂膀上 我变得坚韧强壮

你的鼓励 使我超越了自我

你激励了我 故我能立足于群山之巅

你鼓舞了我 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面

在你坚实的臂膀上 我变得坚韧强壮

你的鼓励 使我超越了自我

你激励了我 故我能立足于群山之巅

你鼓舞了我 故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面

在你坚实的臂膀上 我变得坚韧强壮

你的鼓励 使我超越了自我

你的鼓励 使我超越了自我

2、《You Raise Me Up》是神秘园乐队(Secret Garden)发行的一首歌曲,由布兰登·格瑞翰作词、罗尔夫·拉夫兰作曲,布莱恩·肯尼迪和翠茜·坎柏奈勋演唱。该曲收录于乐队的第四张录音室专辑《Once in a Red Moon》中,并作为单曲于2002年3月26日发行。

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youraisemeup完整歌词 youraisemeup完

1、《You Raise Me Up》歌词如下:When I am down and oh my soul so weary。When troubles come and my heart burdened be。Then I am still and wait here in the silence。Until you come and sit a while with me。You raise me up so I can stand on mountains。You raise me up to walk on stormy seas。I am strong when I am on your shoulders。You raise me up to more than I can be。You raise me up so I can stand on mountains。
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